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Eric and Marti

Back in September, we drove to Tillamook, OR to visit a bunch of friends from our Prairie Bible College days. There were 11 of us (not including babies) that stayed at Eric’s parents place over the Labour Day long weekend so that made for an extremely rambunctious and busy household. Some folks there we hadn’t seen in many years and others on a bit more of a regular basis since we’ve been in Vancouver.

Our Prairie friends are kind of special to us…not only was it where Josh and I met 7 years ago but also where a lot of our other married friends from school met. There is something to be said for that kind of history and the fact that things don’t seem to change whenever we meet up tells me that these will be friends for life.

One of those couple friends are Eric and Marti. They’ve been together the longest out of all of us (they’re highschool sweethearts) and I really respect their relationship. They balance each other perfectly.

Eric is an Explosives Specialist  in the Marines and has spent quite a bit of time overseas the past number of years so that means a lot of time apart from your loved ones. And they take it in stride. Eric went to Afghanistan shortly after our visit and he will be there until the spring.

We did a few impromptu shots in the Franke’s backyard and now here they are. I love Marti’s energy in person and I think there are a few in here that show it!

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Marti - I could seriously look at these pictures all day. Thank you for capturing our love!!!! I can’t wait to do another session when Eric gets home!! Fun times! Much love to you! <3

admin - Thanks, Marti. Just think what we could do with more time! =)

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