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Grassroots Wedding Fair

Today was the long-awaited and planned-for Grassroots Wedding Fair at historic Heritage Hall on Main St. in Vancouver. I’ve been busy all week getting everything ready for the fair and a tremendous thank-you to my wonderful husband for building my backdrop that supported all of the prints! We designed something that would have sturdy walls to hold a large canvas as well as framed prints, an additional ledge for displays, and also look like a wall in real home to give the prints a realistic backdrop.

It was a busy day in Vancouver as far as events went ~ it was the one-year anniversary of the Vancouver Olympics so there were lots of other things going in the city. Plus it was pouring rain, a perfect day to snuggle up with a hot cup of something and a good book. So it wasn’t as busy as it possibly could have been, but I still got to meet some wonderful brides-to-be planning for this year and into 2012. I also met some pretty amazing green vendors and fellow photographers. All around it was a great day!

On a sidenote, I am really quite behind with blogging. I’ve got a number of postings coming up including a new Romantic Bloom, the rest of the Eco-Wedding photoshoot and detail shots of all my new pretty things. I will also be working on updating my website over the next little while in the hopes of making it load faster for those with slower internet connections.

I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine’s Day weekend…I for one will be taking most of Sunday off!

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Lyndsay - I LIKE it! Nicely done, Rose :) !

Lisa Novakowski - Fantastic booth, Rose!!!

Simply Rose - Thanks guys!

90 in 2010 Review and the New List » Simply Rose - [...] book every 2 months for one year that is related to my business. 10. Become CPR certified again. 11. Become a vendor at a bridal fair. 12. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. 13. Take Spanish lessons. 14. Cook a dish with a new, mysterious [...]

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