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Scheduling Blog Posts


Something that I have always been well-meaning to do is to blog more often. And blogging more often generally requires some forethought and a bit of planning, which I have never really done. New leaf turned! I have been reading about, thinking about and now been putting into action a plan that will hopefully see me blogging 3 days – yes, folks, you heard it – 3 days week!

I have been scheduling posts via an Excel calendar and also transferring them to my Google calendar so I have daily reminders of what is coming up next.  It is really pushing to me think ahead and to finally develop some processes that I have been sitting on the past few years, namely a marketing plan. I’m currently planning into February so you can be sure I have blog posts, some contests and announcements all the way into the new year! And yes, for this task-oriented girl, it gives me a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when I have a plan to look at (I’m just nerdy like that).

A few things that I have found of interest along my scheduling journey:

1)     The WordPress Editiorial plugin:\

I just discovered this today and I am looking forward to checking this out. If this can integrate into Google Calendar, then I’ll have to revise my current planning method.

2)     Creating blogging themes like “Wordless Wednesday,”“Foodie Fridays,” or a series (The Vendor Series!) are a great way of creating content.

3)     Scheduling blog posts is a LOT of work.

I will be posting every Monday, Wednesday and Friday so be sure to like my Facebook page for updates.

Happy reading!


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